Okay, let’s be frank about this – if you look and act the part then you stand a high chance of beating the competition. Dressing for success is critical to making the right impression. Turning up to an interview with an obvious hair disorder that’s quite possibly been created by placing your fingers in a plug socket, or wearing shoes that look like you’ve just walked to the interview from 100km away will all cause concerns.
The first person who needs to be open to change is you. If you’ve had the same wardrobe for the last five years or you think your “Christmas piano tie” will win you some well-earned points – you’ll need to seek help. No matter how high you regard your fashion sense, it will reap dividends if you gain advice.
Seek advice on how you look
What to wear for what job
Just because you are going for a job as a construction manager, doesn’t mean you can turn up to the interview in your overalls and a hard hat. Nor should you think its fine to dress like Australia’s next top model for a front desk reception role. You’ll be surprised just how many job seekers presume it’s okay to go casual or just get it completely wrong for the role.
The following is a very simple list of common key areas to look out for:
- Blue Collar roles - smart casual, professional attire
- Jewellery - discretion is key
- Casual interviews - no such thing, dress smart.
- Never wear novelty items, crazy socks, picture ties, earrings etc) - the joke will be on you!
- Blazer with trousers - gives a semi-retirement look, not good for career roles
- Smokers -don't light up before the interview, you will smell stale
- Colour- a bit of colour can be good but avoid blinding the interviewer, stick with neutrals
- Perfumes - you'll be in an enclosed room, you don't want to overpower