LinkedIn Profile Writing Services

LinkedIn Profile Writing Services To Help You Stand Out

LinkedIn now has the fifth largest social media footprint in Australia, with a jaw-dropping 4.2 million monthly active Australian users on their platform, and that figure set to double in the next 5 to 10 years. And in this fast-paced and competitive job market, your LinkedIn profile serves as your digital introduction to potential employers and professional connections, making it a crucial tool in advancing your career. 

At iTouch Master Resume Writers we understand the significance of a compelling LinkedIn profile, and we specialise in delivering LinkedIn Profile Writing Services that not only impress but also help you open doors to new opportunities.

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Our LinkedIn Profile Writing Services is an art that has been developed over time.

Over the years, we have honed our skills and adapted our strategies to stay ahead of the ever-changing LinkedIn landscape. Through our LinkedIn profile writing services, we remain informed and well-versed in the platform’s latest updates, algorithm changes, and emerging trends. By leveraging this knowledge, we optimize your profile to effectively navigate these shifts and deliver sustainable results.

 Our approach is tailored to showcase your unique strengths, experiences, and achievements, enabling you to stand out in a competitive professional arena. We meticulously craft each section of your profile, optimizing keywords and highlighting your value proposition to attract the right audience and create meaningful connections.

How Our LinkedIn Profile Writing Works

At itouch, we are driven by the pursuit of helping our clients achieve the highly sought-after All-Star status on LinkedIn. This esteemed level of recognition has a transformative effect, consistently leading to remarkable boosts of up to 200-300% in profile views and substantial growth in new connections. Your LinkedIn profile is more than just an online resume – it’s a powerful tool that can propel your career to new heights. Investing in professional LinkedIn profile writing services is an investment in your future success.


Keyword Optimisation:

Leveraging the right keywords is crucial for appearing in relevant searches. Our team conducts thorough keyword research to ensure your profile aligns with industry trends and is easily discoverable by recruiters.


Professional Branding:

Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your personal brand. We focus on creating a consistent and professional brand image that sets you apart in your industry. We’ll help you choose the right content needed to reflect your career position and expertise.


LinkedIn Statements:

A captivating summary is often the first thing recruiters notice. Our writers craft compelling summaries that not only showcase your unique strengths but also entice readers to explore your profile further.


Visual Impact:

Studies show that profiles with professional headshots and background imagery are significantly more likely to attract views and engagement. We’ll work with you to bring authenticity and credibility to your profile, making it more appealing to potential employers and connections.

Helping You Strengthen Brand Identity

LinkedIn is a fantastic networking and social engagement tool aimed at the working professional. With hundreds of forums to read and share information, it’s easy to become addicted for all the right reasons, and you may soon become recognised as a subject matter expert!

The more you network, the greater your brand identity becomes. The more you network, the greater your brand identity becomes.

Furthermore, if you would like a brand presence that gets you noticed by recruiters and employers alike, you will be interested to know that more than 40% of recruiters now use LinkedIn, and more than 38% of medium-large organisations advertise jobs (with that number set to rise dramatically).

Our award-winning writers can produce a LinkedIn profile with keyword optimisation, and professional branding, give you a visual impact and an engaging summary of who you are and why you’re the best there is.

LinkedIn profile image

FAQs About Our LinkedIn Profile Writing Services

How do your LinkedIn profile writing services work

For LinkedIn profile writing services, we use a similar approach to how we build your resume. Specifically, we employ a content framework where we work with you to explore your experience and then use our expertise to recreate the content for your targeted market.

How long before I get results?

For profile views, we have seen increases of 200-400% in a short period. However, results can vary based on the individual. For example, an active job seeker using LinkedIn to search for jobs will often see better results if they have a stronger LinkedIn profile, as the LinkedIn ATS will cross-reference your profile. For those seeking to increase networking, this takes time as you will need to start reaching out to companies and individuals.

Should I make my profile public?

If you want to increase your results, you will need to make your profile public. There are many strategies you can use to hide specific information if necessary, but we recommend being as open as possible on your profile.

Do I need to provide a LinkedIn profile picture?

Ideally, yes, a profile picture would be useful. This is easy to do, and we can help you edit the picture to make it look more professional, such as swapping out backgrounds. If you are against using a profile picture, it can be substituted with a silhouette or your initials integrated into a PNG/JPG.

What's the next stage for LinkedIn profile writing services?

Simply contact us using the many enquiry and booking forms your find on the website, and we will get back to further analyse your needs and to provide you with a quote.

LinkedIn Profile Writing

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If you are needing to take your career to the next level, or need to stand out in a competitive market, our LinkedIn Profile Writing Services can help you.