Cover Letter Writing Services

Job Cover Letter Writing Services To Help Your Application Stand Out

The use of cover letters is often overlooked in the market, with many resorting to a bland and unsatisfying cover letter introduction, and some totally foregoing a cover letter as part of their application. This is a considerable mistake given just how cover letter writing can make that all-important difference and sway a recruiter or employer’s mind as to whether they should interview you. Our cover letter writing services are designed to help ensure you prepare and present yourself in the best possible way, give yourself maximum opportunity, and deliver a compelling argument as to why a recruiter should interview you above all else.

Job Cover Letter Writing Services

The Secret to Our Cover Letter Writing Services

In the same way we adopt a content framework for resume writing services, we also use the same strategy for cover letter writing services. at iTouch Master Resume Writers, we utilise a competency-based framework to design and create the content for both your resume and cover letter. 

This framework integrates the STAR technique as well as strength-based wording. To ensure the maximum efficiency of a cover letter, we also need to incorporate job-specific and/or targeted content that will quickly resonate with and identify the reader. 

This may be related to specific market knowledge, products, software, compliance, competitors, delivery models, or more. The more accurate, targeted, and aligned the content is, the more likely the outcome will be a positive one.Keep in mind that a well-worded and crafted cover letter can be the crucial difference between getting an interview or never being contacted.

We also want you to get the most out of the service, which is why we include a brief information guide to help you make further adjustments to the cover letter based on your industry needs. We are also here to help and guide you. Speak to our professional resume writers so we can get a better understanding of your needs and tailor a specific solution for you.

Generic Style Cover Letter

This form of cover letter is designed to work for those who are applying for multiple applications and need a simple content design that they can then adjust and manipulate for the different roles they are applying for. This approach is particularly popular among busy individuals, as it allows the jobseeker to quickly adjust and amend key elements of their resume/CV without the need for rebuilding the document in its entirety.

Job Specific Cover Letter

A job-specific cover letter is one of the most effective and powerful types of cover letter that can be produced. It differs from a generic style cover letter as the content is built specifically around a particular job advertisement. The reason this cover letter is the most effective is because you are talking to the employer/recruiter and clearly explaining why your experience matches exactly that of the job being advertised. Ideally, it should also include technical specifics that are unique to that particular job, which could be very industry-specific, naming competitors, particular IT and software packages, talking about your knowledge of their business, and basically demonstrating why you’re a subject matter expert for this particular role. Because of the uniqueness of this type of cover letter, they are often classified as “one-offs.” However, if you can learn to follow the strategy of this cover letter, you will be well on your way to increasing your chances of interview success.

Prospecting & Networking

The prospecting cover letter, also referred to as the networking cover letter, is designed so that you can approach companies that may not have actually advertised any particular job, but where you want to make a formal introduction (cold calling). These cover letters are the perfect strategy when trying to open up new opportunities, leveraging strategies such as the hidden job market and untapping potential job opportunities. The ideal networking cover letter should include specific industry research, and the more targeted content, the better, as again, we need to capture the reader’s interest quickly.

Other Types of Cover Letters

We come across many different requests for different types of cover letters that can include referral cover letters, where you have been referred to a job by a mutual contact, email cover letters to accompany your job application (these are shorter and condensed into just one paragraph), and the “thank you for your time” letter following an interview. If you have a particular need,

Cover Letter + Professional Resume

The most powerful strategy you can incorporate is to ensure that you have a professional resume that automatically grabs the reader’s attention, with the cover letter used to reinforce why an employer should consider contacting you above everyone else. While a resume can sometimes do that by itself, you want to ensure you put your best possible foot forward. The cover letter content should ideally speak to the reader and offer a more personal and different perspective than is currently being offered through the content of your resume. By creating uniqueness between the two documents, but while cross-referencing, you will achieve maximum penetration in the market.

FAQs About Our Cover Letter Writing Services

Why is a cover letter important?

A cover letter is important because it allows you to personalize your application, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and explain why you are a good fit for the position. It also provides an opportunity to address any potential concerns or gaps in your resume.

How long should my cover letter be?

A cover letter should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than one page. Aim for three to four paragraphs that include an introduction, a brief overview of your relevant experience, and a conclusion.

Should I tailor my cover letter for each job application?

Yes, you should tailor your cover letter for each job application. A customised cover letter shows that you have taken the time to research the company and understand the specific requirements of the job. It also helps you stand out from other candidates.


What should I include in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include a strong opening statement, an explanation of why you are interested in the position, a summary of your relevant experience and skills, and a closing statement that expresses your enthusiasm for the role and invites the employer to contact you for an interview.

Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?

While you can use a general template, it is important to customize each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This means adjusting the content to reflect the job description, company culture, and any specific requirements mentioned in the job listing.

How can your cover letter writing services help me?

Our cover letter writing services can help you by providing a professionally written and tailored cover letter that highlights your strengths and aligns with the job you are applying for. We offer expertise in creating compelling content that captures the attention of recruiters and increases your chances of securing an interview.

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If you are needing to take your career to the next level, or need to stand out in a competitive market, our Professiional Job Cover Letter Writing Services can help you.

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